27 September 2010

Two Weeks

Yesterday marked my two weeks here. The last few days have been pretty hard for me. I had to contact our old post office today to find out why my mail hasn't been forwarded yet. They hadn't received the change of address form yet but were able to do it over the phone so all the mail on hold left there today. This means I should have vehicle keys soon and need to find out how I need to go about getting it back on the road after being stored for so long.

I have not heard from him since last week when he was letting me know that he was sending me some boxes. I have updated my closest friends on my status and I have talked to his mom. Everyone is still completely shocked as I am.

I keep hearing of other friends that are going through the same thing as me, so I am starting to think this is an epidemic that needs to addressed, but who knows if it will be. I know that half of our issues stem from the fact that he was gone so much and we have just not had time to be a family and communicate like normal.

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